
Please note that by submitting the forms you make a commitment for participation and the costs involved.
Any cancellations after Saturday noon will be charged as if you have taken the activity.

Activity info:

When you have booked ski classes you will meet your instructor at the top of the gondola, please make sure to be up on the mountain in time. When there are long queues, you might want to take a van up to make sure to be on time.

If you are going to the lessons you do not need to sign up for skiing with friends. You already signed up for the lessons.

If you want to rent skis short term, please go in the store a day before to try on equipment. Count on extra time if you have to go in the store in the morning.

In the first weeks project the upcoming Christmas holiday are central in a special way.

Monday: Excitement, creative, hands on, discovery, culture.
Thursday: Creative, hands on, discovery, culture.
Friday: Social, outside.

A psychological game in which the group will have to find the werewolves among each other while trying to stay alive.

Depending on the group size we will do this activity with the whole group or divide it by age group.

Under the guidance of our ski leader we will ski/snowboard together as a group from meeting point to meeting point.

Participants are expected to have an independent blue ski/snowboard level. All participants are expected to carry a phone. (Also unaccompanied children).
Children are allowed to join without parents if they are good listeners, if they are able to take the ski lifts by themselves and if they are capable to reconnect to the group when they loose the group.

The teens decide for themselves and as a group how they want to spend their week. We will give them suggestions, and they are free to come up with any ideas themselves. They will then turn their plans into a week schedule. The teens are assisted by a facilitator.

The kids club has a drop off option for the little ones, 0-7 years old, with a full day fun activity program.

07.30-9.30 The kids can start in the morning with a breakfast that we provide.
9.30-13.00 The morning program consists of creative activities: Arts, story time, music, dance, games etc.
13.00-14.30 There is a lunch option in between, in which we provide the kids lunch.
14.30-16.30 In the afternoon we will do more discovery based activities. Project, science, field trips. We sometimes hook on to the bigger kids activities.

The fee per hour is €7,50 or 15BGN

A transport company will pick us up at the complex and take us to the gondola down station from where you can take the lifts up.
Pick up time will be at 9.30.

Please be present in front of the reception at least 5 minutes before pick up. Transport will not wait for anyone.
Depending on the number of participants there might be multiple transport runs.

The exact price of transport will be determined based on the number of participants, based on the following rates:
Car to 4 pax 15 – leva per way,
Minibus to 8 pax – 20 leva,
Bus 17 pax – 50 leva.

In a weekly meeting we will clear the air with anything that is not working and we will emphasise the things that are working, to make our community stronger.

With the kids we will look at their goals for their time in Bansko and for the upcoming week. What do they want to experience, and create? Where do they want to grow. And how did they do in the previous week?

As a group we will do activities together to strengthen our bonds.


Please note that by submitting the forms you make a commitment for participation and the costs involved.
Any cancellations after Saturday noon will be charged as if you have taken the activity.

Activity info:

We will explore the nature in Bansko through a group walk, by the guidance of our team.
Children are able to participate without a parent if they are good listeners and able to join unaccompanied.

We will visit the Bansko Ice Skating rink and spend a few hour having fun on the skates.

Children are allowed to join without a parent if they are good listeners and able to join unaccompanied.

The ice skating rink in Bansko is a 1,5 km walk from the complex.

Prices are:
Children including skates: 24 BGN
Children with own skates: 12 BGN

Adults including skates: 38 BGN
Adults with own skates: 19 BGN

In the weekly Dungeons and Dragons game, the children will dive into a fantasy world filled with adventure. 

Depending on the number of participants we will split the group in 2 or 3 smaller groups. The exact times will be communicated after registration closes.

The kids club has a drop off option for the little ones, 0-7 years old, with a full day fun activity program.

07.30-9.30 The kids can start in the morning with a breakfast that we provide.
9.30-13.00 The morning program consists of creative activities: Arts, story time, music, dance, games etc.
13.00-14.30 There is a lunch option in between, in which we provide the kids lunch.
14.30-16.30 In the afternoon we will do more discovery based activities. Project, science, field trips. We sometimes hook on to the bigger kids activities.

The fee per hour is €7,50 or 15BGN


Please note that by submitting the forms you make a commitment for participation and the costs involved.
Any cancellations after Saturday noon will be charged as if you have taken the activity.

Activity info:

When you have booked ski classes you will meet your instructor at the top of the gondola, please make sure to be up on the mountain in time. When there are long queues, you might want to take a van up to make sure to be on time.

If you are going to the lessons you do not need to sign up for skiing with friends. You already signed up for the lessons.

If you want to rent skis short term, please go in the store a day before to try on equipment. Count on extra time if you have to go in the store in the morning.

Parents are invited at the coworking/social space for some social time.
We will provide tea and cookies.

Under the guidance of our ski leader we will ski/snowboard together as a group from meeting point to meeting point.

Participants are expected to have an independent blue ski/snowboard level. All participants are expected to carry a phone. (Also unaccompanied children).
Children are allowed to join without parents if they are good listeners, if they are able to take the ski lifts by themselves and if they are capable to reconnect to the group when they loose the group.

This week we will go to the hot spring Izgreva. Depending on the size of the group we might need to split up and part of the group will go to the hot spring Regnum, that is right around the corner.

Kids are expected to be accompanied by a parent.

The entrance in both places is aprox 15 BGN for adults and 10BGN for children.

A transport company will pick us up at the complex and take us to the gondola down station from where you can take the lifts up.
Pick up time will be at 9.30.

Please be present in front of the reception at least 5 minutes before pick up. Transport will not wait for anyone.
Depending on the number of participants there might be multiple transport runs.

The exact price of transport will be determined based on the number of participants, based on the following rates:
Car to 4 pax 15 – leva per way,
Minibus to 8 pax – 20 leva,
Bus 17 pax – 50 leva.

A transport company will pick us up at the complex and take us to the hot spring. Later in the evening they will pick us back up again.

Please be present in front of the reception at least 5 minutes before pick up. Transport will not wait for anyone.
Depending on the number of participants there might be multiple transport runs.

The exact price of transport will be determined based on the number of participants, based on the following rates:
car to 4 pax 30 leva,
minibus to 8 pax 40 leva
17 seater 60 leva all per way.

We will take the kids to a location in the area where they will build a bonfire. We will bring some marshmallows for them to roast.

The kids club has a drop off option for the little ones, 0-7 years old, with a full day fun activity program.

07.30-9.30 The kids can start in the morning with a breakfast that we provide.
9.30-13.00 The morning program consists of creative activities: Arts, story time, music, dance, games etc.
13.00-14.30 There is a lunch option in between, in which we provide the kids lunch.
14.30-16.30 In the afternoon we will do more discovery based activities. Project, science, field trips. We sometimes hook on to the bigger kids activities.

The fee per hour is €7,50 or 15BGN


Please note that by submitting the forms you make a commitment for participation and the costs involved.
Any cancellations after Saturday noon will be charged as if you have taken the activity.

Activity info:

Once a week we will go swimming with the whole group. The pool we will visit depends on the group size.

Price approx 20 BGN for adults 10 BGN for kids.

Also the teens will make cookies today among themselves.

While the parents are out, the little ones are taken care of in the Kids Club. They will start off with some fun activities, after we will switch on a movie. The kids who are ready to go to sleep will be put to bed until the parents arrive to pick them up.

Kids can come in their night gear. Please provide us with all of your kids evening necisities.

The kids are taken care of until 22.00. After this time there is an option for the kids to stay at the pyjama party and the babysitting fee will apply.

The fee for the 19.00-22.00 is €7,50/15BGN per hour.
The fee after 22.00 is €15/30BGN per hour.

The kids are invited to create their own clubs to the program to connect with kids that have the same interests. They can create their own activity that the other kids can join.
Of course the kids can also just join the clubs that are on the schedule that day.

Please let us know the latest Tuesday if your kids are interested in creating clubs themselves so we can put it on the schedule.

This weeks clubs:
– Loom band club
– Chess club
– Ping pong club

The kids will spend an evening playing board games. In small groups, in pairs, multiple games, however they like it. We have a number of board games available or they can bring their own.

In the first weeks project the upcoming Christmas holiday are central in a special way.

Monday: Excitement, creative, hands on, discovery, culture.
Thursday: Creative, hands on, discovery, culture.
Friday: Social, outside.

While the kids are being taken care of, the parents will spend the night out having fun.

The mom’s will have a diner and can chat all they want, while the dads will visit a bar and enjoy a game of pool. Of course the parent can explore different locations in town after, and make it as late as they like.

The kids are taken care of until 22.00. After this time there is an option for the kids to join the pyjama party and the babysitting fee of €15/30BGN will apply.

The kids will prepare a dish by themselves, guided by our team.

Today we will make Christmas cookies.

The kids club has a drop off option for the little ones, 0-7 years old, with a full day fun activity program.

07.30-9.30 The kids can start in the morning with a breakfast that we provide.
9.30-13.00 The morning program consists of creative activities: Arts, story time, music, dance, games etc.
13.00-14.30 There is a lunch option in between, in which we provide the kids lunch.
14.30-16.30 In the afternoon we will do more discovery based activities. Project, science, field trips. We sometimes hook on to the bigger kids activities.

The fee per hour is €7,50 or 15BGN


Please note that by submitting the forms you make a commitment for participation and the costs involved.
Any cancellations after Saturday noon will be charged as if you have taken the activity.

Activity info:

When you have booked ski classes you will meet your instructor at the top of the gondola, please make sure to be up on the mountain in time. When there are long queues, you might want to take a van up to make sure to be on time.

If you are going to the lessons you do not need to sign up for skiing with friends. You already signed up for the lessons.

If you want to rent skis short term, please go in the store a day before to try on equipment. Count on extra time if you have to go in the store in the morning.

In the first weeks project the upcoming Christmas holiday are central in a special way.

Monday: Excitement, creative, hands on, discovery, culture.
Thursday: Creative, hands on, discovery, culture.
Friday: Social, outside.

The kids will see a movie while enjoying hot chocolate and popcorn.

Under the guidance of our ski leader we will ski/snowboard together as a group from meeting point to meeting point.

Participants are expected to have an independent blue ski/snowboard level. All participants are expected to carry a phone. (Also unaccompanied children).
Children are allowed to join without parents if they are good listeners, if they are able to take the ski lifts by themselves and if they are capable to reconnect to the group when they loose the group.

We will organise active and exiting outside games for the kids to play. Some of them are connected to the weeks project.

During the teens night the teens can watch a movie, play board games, game together, or just hang out in the teen space. In their weekly schedule the teens will decide on when and how they want to spend teens nights, but as the other age groups are occupied on Thursday, this is a good moment for the teens to hang out together as well.

A transport company will pick us up at the complex and take us to the gondola down station from where you can take the lifts up.
Pick up time will be at 9.30.

Please be present in front of the reception at least 5 minutes before pick up. Transport will not wait for anyone.
Depending on the number of participants there might be multiple transport runs.

The exact price of transport will be determined based on the number of participants, based on the following rates:
Car to 4 pax 15 – leva per way,
Minibus to 8 pax – 20 leva,
Bus 17 pax – 50 leva.

The teens decide for themselves and as a group how they want to spend their week. We will give them suggestions, and they are free to come up with any ideas themselves. They will then turn their plans into a week schedule. The teens are assisted by a facilitator.

With everybody together for the weekly presentations, we use the opportunity to create an enjoyable night together. We will serve hot wine. Feel free to bring other drinks and snacks.

The gamers are welcome to bring their devices and play their favourite games. They can connect with each other, play together, or play side by side. After the activity, the gamers put away their devices for the next activity.
The artists bring their talent and creativity to make some beautiful drawings together with their friends, or beside them.

During the weeks presentation in the coworking space, the kids can present what they have done in the week. There is also an option for the teens, or een the little ones to present their weekly experience.

The kids club has a drop off option for the little ones, 0-7 years old, with a full day fun activity program.

07.30-9.30 The kids can start in the morning with a breakfast that we provide.
9.30-13.00 The morning program consists of creative activities: Arts, story time, music, dance, games etc.
13.00-14.30 There is a lunch option in between, in which we provide the kids lunch.
14.30-16.30 In the afternoon we will do more discovery based activities. Project, science, field trips. We sometimes hook on to the bigger kids activities.

The fee per hour is €7,50 or 15BGN


Please note that by submitting the forms you make a commitment for participation and the costs involved.
Any cancellations after Saturday noon will be charged as if you have taken the activity.

Activity info:

The kids club has a drop off option for the little ones, 0-7 years old, with a full day fun activity program.

07.30-9.30 The kids can start in the morning with a breakfast that we provide.
9.30-13.00 The morning program consists of creative activities: Arts, story time, music, dance, games etc.
13.00-14.30 There is a lunch option in between, in which we provide the kids lunch.
14.30-16.30 In the afternoon we will do more discovery based activities. Project, science, field trips. We sometimes hook on to the bigger kids activities.

The fee per hour is €7,50 or 15BGN

A transport company will pick us up at the complex and take us to the gondola down station from where you can take the lifts up.
Pick up time will be at 9.30.

Please be present in front of the reception at least 5 minutes before pick up. Transport will not wait for anyone.
Depending on the number of participants there might be multiple transport runs.

The exact price of transport will be determined based on the number of participants, based on the following rates:
Car to 4 pax 15 – leva per way,
Minibus to 8 pax – 20 leva,
Bus 17 pax – 50 leva.


Please note that by submitting the forms you make a commitment for participation and the costs involved.
Any cancellations after Saturday noon will be charged as if you have taken the activity.

Activity info:

Everybody can bring something to share to add to the Christmas buffet. We will start the buffet at 10.00 so make sure your dish is ready at that time.

Information will be provided in the announments app

The kids club has a drop off option for the little ones, 0-7 years old, with a full day fun activity program.

07.30-9.30 The kids can start in the morning with a breakfast that we provide.
9.30-13.00 The morning program consists of creative activities: Arts, story time, music, dance, games etc.
13.00-14.30 There is a lunch option in between, in which we provide the kids lunch.
14.30-16.30 In the afternoon we will do more discovery based activities. Project, science, field trips. We sometimes hook on to the bigger kids activities.

The fee per hour is €7,50 or 15BGN

A transport company will pick us up at the complex and take us to the gondola down station from where you can take the lifts up.
Pick up time will be at 9.30.

Please be present in front of the reception at least 5 minutes before pick up. Transport will not wait for anyone.
Depending on the number of participants there might be multiple transport runs.

The exact price of transport will be determined based on the number of participants, based on the following rates:
Car to 4 pax 15 – leva per way,
Minibus to 8 pax – 20 leva,
Bus 17 pax – 50 leva.

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