Rules – Worldschooling Bansko

General house rules

  • Be quiet in the hallways and staircases of your complex. Only soft voices and no running.
  • Be quiet after 22.00.
  • Do not make noise, loud music etc.
  • No ski shoes inside the buildings, this will damage the floors.
  • Smoking is not allowed in the apartments.
  • Only flush toilet paper. No baby tissues, hygienic products etc.

Shared spaces

  • Keep all the shared spaces clean. Clean up your own cups/dishes, clean up anything you used, leave the table and floors as you found them, and leave the toilets and sinks respectful.
  • After activities we clean up together. This goes for all age groups.
  • No yelling and no running in the shared spaces.
  • Children are not allowed in the coworking area.
  • In certain general spaces there are cameras for security reasons.


  • Sign ups for specific activities need to be send the latest Saturday noon.
  • Please read the activity information before signing up.
  • Adjustments to sign ups can only be made in urgent situations, up to 24 hours before the activity.
  • Participants are not allowed to join any scheduled activities, without prior signup, to not interfere with the organizational part. This includes doing the activity independently at the scheduled time. 
  • Transportation of group transport can not be canceled after the sign up, as this would mean other families would have to pay your costs.
  • When you sign up for an activity, make sure to attend. A family that does not attend activities that they signed up for for three times, including due to being late, will not be able to sign up for activities for a full week.
  • Make sure to be at the meeting point 5 minutes prior to the start of the activity or departure time. The activities will start exactly on time and if you are late you will miss the activity.
  • Always treat local partners and other locals respectfully and show appropriate behavior during activities.
  • The opening, closing and the feedback meetings are mandatory activities. Make sure at least one of the parents, preferably both, is present on the designated time for the feedback meeting.  Also when you have nothing to discuss, as we might have things to discuss.
  • All the other activities are optional. Each family chooses the activities that fit their family.
  • Participants are very welcome to organize activities and social gatherings for the group, according to the following guidelines:
    •  Always keep the exclusivity of the program in mind.
    • Include and invite everybody in the community through common ways of communication, to keep it one large community. 
    • Do not organize activities at times when there are activities for the specific age group scheduled on the program.
    • Do not organize activities that are organized or will be organized in the program, without prior consultancy with the program manager. 
  • No phone or devices are allowed during the kids and tweens activities, except when the schedule mentions that devices are needed for the activities.
  • Parents can at all times be reached during the kids, tweens and teens activities and are available to pick up the kids when needed.
  • The kids, tweens and teens activities are drop off activities and not designed for parents to be present. In case parents want to stay during these activities due to special circumstances, this should be discussed with the program manager in advance.
  • When children behave in a disturbing way during the activities, they will be send home.
  • During family activities we require a parent to join the activity, unless the child is at a maturity level to do the activity without any guidance and listens to instructions well. In that case the responsibility lies fully with the parents.
  • To participate in Skiing With Friends, every participant needs to carry a phone or have an adult with them that carries a phone.


  • When you are sick or could be sick, make sure not to infect others. When you see or expect someone sick, make sure not to get infected.
  • Watch out for dog packs in Bansko. If you see groups of dogs in the distance, go away.


The complex rules that are applicable to our group:

General rules for accommodation and stay

Guests are checked in after 14:00 on the day of arrival.

Leaving the roomRelease of the rooms – until 12:00 on the day of departure.

When leaving the room, the key is left at the reception. A lost key is charged BGN 30.

The removal of property from the hotel (towels, duvets, sheets, pillows and other property) and their use outside the complex is not permitted.


Tobacco smoking and alcohol beverages

In accordance with Bulgarian legislation, a no smoking policy is observed in all internal parts of the complex.

For guests who do not comply with our policy, a fine of BGN 200 is imposed, which will be added to the room bill.

Designated smoking areas are distributed within the outdoor areas of the hotel.

According to Bulgarian legislation, alcohol is not offered or served to guests under the age of 18.


Use of the spa area

 When using the pool, each visitor undertakes to take care of his own safety and not to endanger the safety of other visitors.

– Every visitor is obliged to consider his health condition. Do not use the pools and attractions if you have health problems.

In the event of an accident, injury or violation, notify the Reception staff immediately.

– Please use the showers before entering the pool. It is forbidden to pollute the water in the pools in any way.

– Persons under 14 years of age are allowed to use the pool only with an adult companion. Parents, respectively adult companions, bear full responsibility for the safety of persons under 14 years of age.

The use of the pool by persons who have consumed alcohol and are under the influence of other intoxicating substances is prohibited.

– Jumping, pushing or throwing visitors into the pools, as well as any other behavior that endangers their personal safety and the safety of other visitors, is prohibited.

– The use of glass cups, bottles or other sharp and/or dangerous objects is not allowed in the pool area. Bringing and consuming food and drinks into the pool area or into the water is prohibited.

– Staying in the area of the pools and wet rooms is possible only with the use of suitable swimsuits. Movement in the areas around the pool is carried out with flip flops.

– The sunbeds can only be used after a towel has been spread over them.

– Please keep it clean and dispose of waste in the designated places!

– The staff of the complex may remove or deny access to any person whose behavior violates the Rules of Internal Order, endangers general security or does not follow the instructions of the staff. No compensation of any kind is due to a suspended person.



Guests in bathing suits are not allowed in common areas, such as Reception, Lobby Bar.

The hotel does not tolerate: unacceptable levels of noise or guest behavior;

arrogant behavior by persons who are clearly intoxicated or disorderly which destroys or threatens to destroy hotel property;

breach of public order.

In case of refusal by the guests to comply with the requirements, the hotel reserves the right to cancel the reservation without being liable for refunds or compensation


Security and surveillance

The hotel is equipped with a video surveillance system that covers the public areas.


Lost things

In case of found items, the management of the complex undertakes to contact the guest and send the lost item at the expense of the owner.

The management of the complex is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen personal belongings, unclaimed and unclaimed within 30 /thirty/ days.


Complaints, refunds and damages

Any comments or complaints regarding the stay should be made to the front office or to the Resort Manager during the stay so that the matter is resolved immediately.

The resort reserves the right to charge guests for damages caused knowingly, through negligence or imprudence. If the damage is discovered after the guest has checked out, the hotel reserves the right to send an invoice for the amount due for the repair.


Consequences for violation of hotel policy

In case of detected violations, the hotel management may resort to the immediate termination of the reservation without being responsible for refund or compensation.


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